Nano-Science Center Seminar: Thomas Just Sørensen

Title: Nano1 - five years of teaching based research


Nano1 is the first nanoscience course the nanoscience students meets at university, and is supposed to be general introduction to university studies, university research, and to nanoscience.

Introducing new students to their chosen field of study is difficult, as the students have to learn about their chosen field of study and integrate into the new university setting.1 To help the students take charge of their progress towards becoming a nanoscientist, an introduction course named ‘Nano1’ is included in the nanoscience degree programme.

The Nano1 course was redesigned in 2010 as a research-based course predominantly consisting of a laboratory project. In this instalment of the NSC seminar series the course rationale will be presented briefly, while the focus will be on the research developments that have occurred over the five generations of Nano1 that have been since the course was re-designed.

Figure 1. Overview of the laboratory part of Nano1 showing the tools, data, and models used.

1.   (a) Biggs, J.; Tang, C., Teaching for Quality Learning at University. 4th ed.; McGraw-Hill: Maidenhead, 2011; (b) Dolin, J., Undervisning for læring. In Universitets pædagogik, 1st ed.; Rienecker, L.; Jørgensen, P. S.; Dolin, J.; Ingerslev, G. H., Eds. Samfundslitteratur: Frederiksberg C, 2013; pp 65-92; (c) Johannsen, B. F.; Ulriksen, L.; Holmegaard, H. T., Deltagerforudsætning. In Universitets pædagogik, 1st ed.; Rienecker, L.; Jørgensen, P. S.; Dolin, J.; Ingerslev, G. H., Eds. Samfundslitteratur: Frederiksberg C, 2013; pp 115-132.