Nano-Chalk Symposium


15:00 Welcome
Susan Stipp, Professor and NanoGeoScience Group Leader, University of Copenhagen (KU)

15:02 University – Industry Partnerships
Thomas Bjørnholm, Professor, Chair of Nano-Chalk Steering Board, Prorektor, KU

15:10 The Concepts behind HTF Funding
Carsten Gaarn-Larsen, Direktør, Højteknologifonden

15:20 Industry and its need for Research: More Oil from Chalk
Troels Albrechtsen, Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Technology & Projects, Maersk Oil and Gas A/S

15:30 Meeting the needs of Industry, Society and the Academia: The Results of the Nano-Chalk Venture
Susan Stipp, Professor, Nano-Chalk Venture Leader, KU

16:15 The Value of Nano-Chalk from the Company Perspective
Finn Engstrøm, Principal Petrophysicist, Maersk Oil and Gas A/S

16:30 Laboratory tours and demonstrations on some of the instruments - in parallel with the Panel Discussion
- for our non-Danish speaking guests

16:30 Panel debat: Hvilken lære kan vi uddrage fra dette partnerskab mellem industri og universitet? (på dansk; in Danish)
Thomas Alslev Christensen, Kontorchef, Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation
Troels Albrechtsen, Head of Corporate Technology and Projects, Maersk Oil and Gas A/S
Anja Boisen, Professor, Bestyrelsesmedlem, Højteknologifonden
Thomas Sinkjær, Professor, Direktør, Danmarks Grundforskningsfonden
Thomas Bjørnholm, Professor, Prorektor, Københavns Universitet

17:25 Closing, Susan Stipp, KU

17:30 Reception
(tours of the NanoGeoScience Laboratories)

18:30 Goodbye and Thanks

from 13.30, tours of the NanoGeoScience Laboratories, for participants and the public, lead by NanoGeoScience Group Members