6. februar 2019

Nikos Hatzakis New Associate Member of CPR

Associate Professor Nikos Hatzakis

From February 2019 we are welcoming Associate Professor Nikos Hatzakis, Department of Chemistry & NanoScience Center at UCPH, as an associate member of CPR. Nikos is joining the Protein Structure and Function Program where he already has an established collaboration with the Montoya group. 

Nikos Hatzakis is leading a research group at the Department of Chemistry & NanoScience Center and their main interest is to reach a fundamental understanding of the parameters underlying regulation of enzymatic function. They are using single molecule approaches combined with the state of the art fluorescent microscopy techniques to unmask protein dynamics. Nikos’ expertise will be an excellent complement and of great value to the Protein and Function Program.

You can read more about Nikos Hatzakis research here: