Single site porphyrine-like structures advantages over metals for selective electrochemical CO2 reduction

Alexander Bagger, Wen Ju, Ana Sofia Varela, Peter Strasser and Jan Rossmeisl

A. Bagger et al. / Catalysis Today 288 (2017) 74–78


In this paper we address our goal of achieving higher selectivity towards CO2RR. We discuss the reaction mechanisms for both HER and CO2RR on metals and porphyrine-like structures. The single metal site in a porphyrine-like structure requires an ontop site binding of hydrogen, compared to the hollow site binding of hydrogen on a metal catalyst surface. The difference in binding site structure gives a fundamental energy-shift in the scaling relation of ∼0.3 eV between the COOH* vs. H* intermediate (CO 2 RR vs. HER)

The Database

Download metal database
Download porphyrine-like database
Download molecule database

Key-value pairs: Description

Given and used in python scripts, but also listed below here.

Key words for metals database:

    Metal: 'Rh','Pd','Ir','Pt','Au','Ni','Cu','Co','Ag','Fe','Ru'

    ads: 'COOH', 'H','CO', 'Clean'

    position: 'Hollow', 'Ontop', ''

Key words for porphyrine-like database:

    Metal: 'Cu','Ni','Pd','Pt','Co','Rh','Ir','Fe','Ru','Mn'

    ads: 'COOH', 'H','CO', 'Clean'

Key words for molecule database:

    Molecule: 'CO2', 'CO', 'H2'

COOH* vs. H* scaling for metal and porphyrine structures

The script plots the COOH* energy as a function of the H* energy for both metals and porphyrine like structures.

Download script

CO* vs. H* scaling for metal and porphyrine structures

The script plots the CO* energy as a function of the H* binding energy on metals and porphyrine-like structures.

Download script