The ISBUC and NNF Symposium

ISBUC symposiumClick here to register

The symposium is dedicated to interdisciplinary scientific exchange between structural biologists. It will probe the latest developments within structural biology and how they can be accommodated within an integrative framework. This will include presentations by outstanding international research leaders working at the forefront of developments within X-ray crystallography, neutron crystallography, cryogenic electron microscopy and the emerging field of cryo-electron tomography. It will also include an exploration of emerging opportunities at large-scale facilities during a special session led by the European Spallation Source in Lund. 

Junior Flash Talks and Poster Sessions

Realising Integration in Structural Biology will include spaces for three talks by junior researchers and two poster sessions where junior researchers can present their work. This is targeted for MSc students, PhD students, Postdocs and Assistant Professors. A prize for Best Flash Talk and Best Poster will be awarded. If you are interested in bringing a poster or giving a talk, please register through the below link. The three talks will be selected by the Junior ISBUC Steering Committee. All are welcome to bring a poster. 

See program here